29 December 2007

Huckabee on Foreign Policy


"A senior aide to Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee admitted Friday that the former Arkansas governor had "no foreign policy credentials" after his comments reacting to the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto raised questions."

"Huckabee's foreign policy credentials have been under a microscope since the candidate admitted that he was unaware of an intelligence report that Iran had suspended its nuclear weapons program earlier this month."

"Huckabee's Friday comments on immigration came after he appeared to make another gaffe Thursday, when he seemed to suggest incorrectly that Pakistan was under martial law...Later Thursday, at an event in West Des Moines, Iowa, Huckabee told CNN that 'it was not that I was unaware it was suspended, two weeks ago, lifted.'"
  • From CNN, Dec 28, http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/12/28/huckabee.foreign.policy/index.html
"People who questioned my view of foreign policy probably need go back and read the speech that I delivered back in Washington in September. … What we’ve seen happen is that in the Musharraf government, he has told us that he really does not have enough control of those eastern borders near Afghanistan to be able go after the terrorists. But on the other hand, he doesn’t want us going in because it violates his sovereignty."
  • From ThinkProgress, Dec 28, http://thinkprogress.org/2007/12/28/huckabee-pakistan/
"Fred Thompson called on his Republican presidential rival Mike Huckabee on Friday to explain why he said the U.S. should apologize for the assassination of Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto.

'That's hard to understand,' Thompson said in one of his few umprompted direct criticisms of another GOP candidate.

He was referring to a comment Huckabee made Thursday in response to Bhutto's slaying. Huckabee offered 'our sincere concern and apologies for what has happened in Pakistan.'"

  • From Tennessean, Dec 28, http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071228/NEWS0206/71228013

I'm concerned that Gov. Huckabee cannot get even the high school basics on Foreign Policy down. Clueless about Iran and the NIE, Pakistan's lifting of martial law, apologies for the assassination of Bhutto, to basic geography. This man thinks he can effectively lead the United States in a world of turmoil with the U.S.'s shaky standing on foreign policy issues? I can't clearly vote for a Presidential candidate who knows so little on foreign policy issues.

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